In the short story "Civil Peace" the author, Chinua Achebe is sending out a message to the reader with this quote. "Nothing puzzles God." Achebe mentions this quote about four times in the story. It's an oblivious important motif. Nothing puzzles God because he understands the "Happy survival" the people in story have to go through after the Nigerian Civil War. Life means so much to the protagonist, Jonathan Iwegbu. It didnt matter to him that he was poor, if he made it alive for a day he was satisfied with a meaningful life.
Good things happen to the family when Achebe mentions "nothing puzzles God," like when his payment came in it felt like "Christmas" to him. Also when this quote appears Johnathan finds the families bike and their home is still up even from the damage of the war. All the miracles that Jonathan and his family go through is an example of the values of life.
While analyzing the short story I saw symbolism. Jonathan's family helps pitch in what ever they can to rebuild the family. Like his wife making him goods to sell and his children picking mangoes this is symbolism of the country. Nigeria is helping out each other so they can get through and rebuild the country from the damage done because of the Civil war. When the poor thieves came to Jonathan's house they asked for money. Jonathan had a choice to give the thieves all his money or have his house blown to pieces. He decides to give them his money because he remembered he was fine before without it. He keeps rebuilding his life and has a positive view.
Achebe is telling the reader that no matter what comes your way keep going because there is a another day to experience life.
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